Welcome Dermot O'Donnell to Discovered
Artist Profiles 7 Regina Halpin Weber 1. What is your favourite work of art? On a visit to The National Gallery of Ireland when I was a teenager, I came upon The Meeting on the Turret Stairs by Sir Frederic William Berton, and was captivated immediately. Up until then, (and still sometimes today), I felt intimidated by art and artists. I hadn’t been allowed to do art in secondary school as the class was over subscribed and the teachers felt I would do as well at Music. Not true, as I am tone deaf! I loved drawing and sketching but shied away from it because of subliminal messages of not being artistic enough. Seeing ‘The Meeting’, changed that for me. Here was something I could understand and identify with. My teenage heart broke with the doomed romance of the whole scene. The tragedy of the ill-fated lovers, Helliel and Hildebrand immediately appealed to me. The rich colouring and detail brought the medieval portrait to life, and their ...