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Discovered Tour by Fiona Marron: Artist

Discovered Tour by Fiona Marron: Artist at the Salthouse Gallery St. Ives

Discovered Artists

© Bríd Connolly and © Regina Halpin Weber © Miriam Smithers © Mary Pappalardo © Fiona Marron © David Joseph Cribbin

Show day

© David Joseph Cribbin

27th June - 3rd July

One month to go.....

Discovered Artist Catalogue

Discovered Artist David Joseph Cribbin's Catalogue for This Is. This is a video presentation of the printed catalogue. The printed catalogue measures 8"x6" and will be used for exclusive gallery invites only. (All images are © David Joseph Cribbin 2013 all rights reserved and the text is © Julia Priest 2013 all rights reserved).

Salthouse Gallert St. Ives

Just arrived back from St. Ives last night. I'd like to thank Geri for her hospitality, and the two local artists Shelly Tregoning and Jules Greaves, who's show Bound Boxed Withheld was on at the Salthouse when I visited, for their gracious advice and insights about advertising a show. I used their knowledge to distribute all the posters and leaflets, paying attention to the areas they advised I entice most. I have all the information on all the other galleries, if anyone wishes to send them a catalogue then you can contact me by email and I'll forward that information to you. 

Discovered Posters

The Discovered Posters and Leaflets have been printed. I will be in St. Ives next and the promotion for the show will start from the 27th of this month, exactly two months before the show opens. A3 Poster

Discovered Magazine available

The Discovered Magazine is available on  and on Amazon Europe  It is priced at £19.77 or €24.82 Here is my copy below. Discovered Magazine Cover Discovered Magazine Interior

Discovered Magazine gone to print!

The Discovered Magazine has gone to print!  Contents page

Yoko Ono - John Lennon's Bloodied Glasses

The death of a loved one is a hollowing experience. After 33 years our son Sean and I still miss him. Yoko Ono Lennon… — Yoko Ono (@yokoono) March 20, 2013 © Yoko Ono

Discovered 5Q

Artist Profiles 8 Mary Pappalardo 1. What is your favourite work of art? Ho attraversato, bagnando il respiro, la curva naturale delle NINFEE cercando di non risalire dal fondo senza averne gli occhi tinti. Mi porto a spasso l'evanescenza di un pensiero adagiato sull'acqua.  I've crossed over, only wet from breathlessness, the delicate curved WATERLILIES but never without my eyes saturated by their colour. My travel leaves a faded thought floating lily like on the water. Monet's Water Lilies   2. What artist has been a constant inspiration though out your life? 2. Di ogni artista conservo una traccia: alcuni creano un solco grande e duraturo, altri lasciano segni sottili, taglienti e provvisori. Tutti amici-nemici, regali per le ispirazioni. Un Essere, però, mi accompagna da sempre. A lui sono grata per i tormenti e la bellezza, di lui sento il potere delle viscere, la forza creatrice e distruttrice. IL VESUVIO. Una montagna di fu...

Discovered Magazine

The Discovered Magazine goes to print on Friday 22nd March. Discovered Magazine Cover 8"x10" It will be 160 pages, and will be printed on recycled paper in black and white. It is designed in a style reminiscent of art magazines from the earlest days of modernism. It will contain profiles of all the artists in the form of a five question Q&A, called the Discovered 5Q , a commissioned piece called Novuscule , two pieces by Julia Priest, called The Death of Genius? and Art and the Intellectual , and a piece by Newton Granger, translated by Julia Priest, called The Art of Transgression . There will also be pages featuring the exhibited works by the artists. The artists are... Mary Pappalardo Kasia Rutkowska Dermot O'Donnell Miriam Smithers Regina Halpin Weber Brid Connolly Fiona Marron Chris Oddie +David-Joseph Cribbin   A page from the 5Q by Bríd Connolly A page from the piece by Newton Granger

Julia Priest

Julia Priest Writer & Art Collector Julia was born in London, where she studied philosophy and political science at the London School of Economics. Her father is the prominent psychiatrist Leopold Priest, and it was he that encouraged her into art collecting. "An arranged marriage." , she said in a interview, "But far from a loveless one." Julia moved to Berlin in 2011 to write for the contemporary art magazine Kunst Heute. She is the author of two book, both published in german, Women in Contemporary Art and In Search of the Present.  We are very pleased to announce that she has agreed, "In the spirit of nurturing new discoveries." , to write two pieces for the Discovered Magazine , (The Death of Genius?) & (Art and the Intellectual) and will also translate a piece by the art critic Newton Granger (The Art of Transgression) . 

Discovered 5Q

Artist Profiles 7 Regina Halpin Weber 1. What is your favourite work of art? On a visit to The National Gallery of Ireland when I was a teenager, I came upon The Meeting on the Turret Stairs by Sir Frederic William Berton, and was captivated immediately. Up until then, (and still sometimes today), I felt intimidated by art and artists. I hadn’t been allowed to do art in secondary school as the class was over subscribed and the teachers felt I would do as well at Music. Not true, as I am tone deaf!   I loved drawing and sketching but shied away from it because of subliminal messages of not being artistic enough. Seeing ‘The Meeting’, changed that for me. Here was something I could understand and identify with. My teenage heart broke with the doomed romance of the whole scene. The  tragedy of the ill-fated lovers, Helliel and Hildebrand immediately appealed to me. The rich colouring and detail brought the medieval portrait to life, and their ...

Discovered 5Q

Artist Profiles 6 Brid Connolly   1. What is your favourite work of art? I absolutely adore the Impressionists so would have to give this honour to the wonderful Claude Monet. His ability to capture the effect of light with quick, fluid brush strokes brings a trance like element to his work.  To me the Impressionists painted their dream of reality.  He breathed rapturous life into ordinary, sometimes mundane subject matter such as haystacks, train stations and of course the infamous waterlily.  In 1873 he endowed us with ‘Les Coquelicots’.   This beautiful portrayal of a stroll through the fields on a summer's day is my favourite work of art.  This painting to me has everything, great composition , elegance and a vivid exploitation of complementary colours with the poppies gently blowing in the lush fields.  It's splendour speaks for itself! Monet - Sunrise 2. What artist has been a constant inspiration in your life? ...

Discovered 5Q

Artist Profiles 5. Kasia Rutkoaska 1.   What is your favourite work of art? Always a difficult question because I find myself changing my opinion on this from time to time. Presently I really enjoy the late work of J.M.W. Turner  Rain,Steam and Speed also Basil Blackshaw Fighting Cock,  Barrie Cooke Megaceros Hibernicus and many more. Turner 2.   What artist has been a constant inspiration though out your life? If I was to pick just one of many I would have to pick the works of Zao Wou-Ki, Zao Wou-Ki 3. If you could have any work by any artist to hang on your wall who or what would it be? It would have to be Barrie Cooke Megaceros Hibernicus ………but it you are offering a ‘buy one get one free deal’ I would also choose the Basil Blackshaw Fighting Cock . Basil Blackshaw 4. What would you describe as art and not-art? I believe art should have meaning, it should pass a message. This me...

Discovered 5Q

Artist Profiles 4 Miriam Smithers 1. What is your favourite work of art? It's hard for me to pin down one favourite as I have several that I love. Carravaggio's The Taking of Christ is definitely up there. I always love the play of Light and Dark in this painting. The hard steel armour of the guards against the softness of Christ's face against the huge betrayal of Judas...Beautiful. I am also a huge fan of Jackson Pollock and love the painting Autumn Rhythm No.30....You can lost in the technique of his work. And then there's Renoir's Les Parapluies which I love. A simple colour palette but lots of technique and this is the painting that inspired me to start painting... Jackson Pollock 2. What artist has been a constant inspiration though out your life?  I guess its Mark O Neill. I love his work. He is a fabulous painter and I had the privilege of taking a Masterclass with him at his Studio. 3. If you could have any work by...

Discovered 5Q

Artists Profiles 3 Chris Oddie 1. What is your favourite work of art?  I like to return to a couple of paintings; Velazquez’s Rokeby Venus and Rembrandt`s Self Portrait, at the Age of 63 for the pure admiration regarding, skill, tactile quality of brushwork together with the technique of handling the medium to such a degree of excellence. The Rokeby Venus 2. What artist has been a constant inspiration though out your life?  To isolate a particular artist (s) is quite difficult, as previously mentioned I do admire the baroque period (1600). I am inspired likewise with German Expressionism, latterly Abstract Expressionist representing gesture, action and aesthetic expression. Willem de Kooning 3. If you could have any work by any artist to hang on your wall who or what would it be? An arduous task to restrict to anyone painting or work, I would base my synopsis on technique and application of brushwork, painterly quality; enga...

Discovered 5Q

Artist Profiles 2. Fiona Marron 1. What is your favourite work of art? My Favourite work of art is a painting by Goya  El Sueno. Hanging in the National Gallery Ireland. I've been visiting it for decades and it always makes me gasp. After Goya's The Sleep of Reason 2. What artist has been a constant inspiration though out your life? Barrie Cooke has been a constant  inspiration to me. Barrie Cooke 3. If you could have any work by any artist to hang on your wall who or what would it be? It would be An Irish Elk, by Barrie Cooke. An Irish Elk, Barrie Cooke 4. What would you describe as art and not-art? Art is the expression of individual creativity.A true work of art is unique. Art is what moves us to have intense feelings, whether joyful or sad, happy or angry. It has the ability to move the soul and make us question ourselves.  Anything mass produced does not do this. 5. Who would your ideal...

Discovered Magazine

We are working on a Discovered Magazine which will contain profiles of all the artists featured in the Discovered Art Show, as well as features, the 5Q Q&A, a commissioned piece and a discussion piece by the art collector Julia Priest, who has graciously agreed to interviewed the controversial art critic Newton Granger especially for the magazine. The magazine will be available to the artists at wholesale price and to the general public on Amazon.

Discovered 5Q

ARTIST PROFILES 1. DAVID JOSEPH CRIBBIN 1. What is your favourite work of art? That's a difficult question. It all depends on what mood I'm in. There are works I'll love one day, and dismiss the next. However, there are certain kinds of works that interest me all the time. I'm thinking of narrative works . By that I don't mean conventional narrative genres, like novels or films, I mean works that employ a narrative device, or works where some kind of narrative device is central to the work. An example would be someone like Sophie Calle. A lot is made of the influence of the Oulipo movement on her work, but that's irrelevant to me, I like the way she uses narrative to evoke questions about identity, which are relevant to the ways we live today. If I was just to pick one work, I suppose I'd pick "Exquisite Pain", but if you asked tomorrow I'd probably pick something else. Sophie Calle - Exquisite Pain 2. W...